Laura Little Photography |
It’s hot as hell outside and we know staying stylish can be a challenge – between freezing in the office to sweating in the subway.
Here are our top 3 suggestions to keep you styling and smiling.
#1: This is for you ladies, lose the make up. Swap out heavy foundations and lipsticks for natural bronzing powder and light lip-glosses with moisture and SPF. Your more beautiful natural anyway.
#2: Gentleman! Put your macho aside and head to the nearest pedicure spot. Those Shrek feet have got to go! (We promise you, a great pedicure will make you feel a whole lot better and you can put your flip-flops on with pride).
#3: Guys and Gals invest some time in your shades! Whether you love designer or classic canal street a good pair of sunnies can make any outfit instantly cool. Pick them in different colors and shapes; you’ll thank us later.
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Get creative in comfort!
Cyclorama, 14ft Ceilings, Kits and Racks with optional Equipment rental..lovely!
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Visit> 28 W 27th Street, 2nd Floor NY NY 10001