28on27 and 1315

28on27 and 1315
28on27 and 1315

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer tips to stay stylin!

Laura Little Photography
28on27 Style tips for summer!

It’s hot as hell outside and we know staying stylish can be a challenge – between freezing in the office to sweating in the subway.

Here are our top 3 suggestions to keep you styling and smiling.

#1: This is for you ladies, lose the make up. Swap out heavy foundations and lipsticks for natural bronzing powder and light lip-glosses with moisture and SPF. Your more beautiful natural anyway.

#2: Gentleman! Put your macho aside and head to the nearest pedicure spot. Those Shrek feet have got to go! (We promise you, a great pedicure will make you feel a whole lot better and you can put your flip-flops on with pride).

#3: Guys and Gals invest some time in your shades! Whether you love designer or classic canal street a good pair of sunnies can make any outfit instantly cool. Pick them in different colors and shapes; you’ll thank us later.

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