April 27th 2012
NEW! 28on27 offers a 40% discount on studio rental rates when you purchase in bulk!
Hours are redeemable 1 week prior to shoot, and include equipment use. Super cool for casting directors, portrait photographers, or photographers that need frequent short period access.
Read more and purchase now!
Creative NYC hosts specialized mixers with guest speakers in business and creativity. Guest Professional Hugh Zaretsky speaks on what to do with your money.
There's no better way to mix business with pleasure.
Photographer and Director Laura Little explores oceanic themes culminating in light, video and multimedia. Gift Bags, Prints and more! rsvp@28on27.com
28on27 is a cool 2500 sq ft photography and video production space. With a built in cyclorama, wifi, and a BYOE (bring your own equipment) policy, the space is awesome for all shoot needs. Studio visits welcome - 212 - 244 - 4464
Throwing an event? Then now is a good time to explore 28on27.
A simple and elegant white box space, with a custom bar and audio equipment 28on27 is always a great option.
Refer a friend and earn a 10% thank you.(kaching!)
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