28on27 and 1315

28on27 and 1315
28on27 and 1315

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stay Groovy Every Day

Photo Rental Space
Event Space Rental

June 26th 2013
Event Space Rental
photo by Ian Sautner

Maybe because its Wednesday?!

Maybe it’s because you had one too many glasses of red wine the night before. Maybe it’s because your mother-in-law popped in over the weekend.  Whatever the reason for your foul mood today, it’s time to push the little black cloud hovering over your head away. 

The only person responsible for your current mood is you. Having a positive attitude is not something that can be learned. The ability to stay positive and happy is a choice. Your bad mood can’t last forever, eventually you will feel better.

If you can accept the erratic nature of life, it’s much easier to stay relaxed, happy, and calm. Here are 28on27's tips on how to keep on feeling groovy, no matter the mountain load of s**% that's falling:

1). Appreciate each day. Whatever happens, good or bad, you can’t change or get back what happened in the past 24 hours. Live in the moment and appreciate the people and the world ­­around you.

2). Have a dance. Many situations and scenarios are out of our control. But there are a lot of things we can control.  We can choose to be in a good mood. We can choose to eat healthier. We can choose to whack on our power song and groove out. 

3). Don’t sweat the small stuff. Ask yourself, “Will this matter in 100 years?” “Will it be a big deal if I don’t get my way?” Practice turning the other cheek.

4). Be thankful. There is always something to be thankful for, no matter what you’re facing in your life. Do you have healthy children? Are you in a warm, loving, relationship? Did you have coffee this morning? Did your Golden Retriever lick you just before you left the house? Think about what you have instead of what you don’t have.

5). What’s the worst that could happen? Paolo Coelho wrote, “The fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself.” Chances are “the worst” isn’t all that bad. You’ll survive even if you butchered today’s presentation. That bad date last night doesn’t mean you won’t ever find true love. A job loss doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll lose everything. Don’t get yourself all worked up about the possible outcomes for each bad thing that happens to you.


Event Space RentalNew Bloom @ 1315 Studios

If you missed the 1315 New Bloom and After Midnight event, don't worry you'll have a second go at it.

28on27 is hosting the "New Bloom" cocktail Soiree.
Date and RSVP info on the way!

Loved the photos? Pick one up on our gift shop!

Are you following us on Twitter? C'mon its fun!

Tweet 28on27 @28on27! Tweet Laura @lolafotographyTweet Juan @juanizts

Event Space Rental New YorkEvent Space 1315 +28on27
Throwing an event? Then now is a good time to explore 28on27 and 1315 event space.

28on27 is a 2500 sq ft simple and elegant white box space, with a custom bar and audio equipment.

1315 is 4,500 sq ft of Large window exposures offering a gorgeous 8th floor night time view of the empire state building.

It doesn't get more New York then 28on27 and 1315. For a  modern and cool atmosphere call us!
Email for site visits or questions!


Photo Studio Rental New York1315 + 28on27 Shoot Space
Looking for shoot space? Well you've come to the right place, 1315 daylight studio and 28on27 studio are multifunctional spaces located in the heart of flatiron.

Both spaces are great for photo shoots, castings, video production, holding areas, still life shoots, fittings, and anything else you can think of!

Studio visits welcome - 212 - 244 - 4464
Contact us juan@28on27.com

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Monday, June 10, 2013

New Bloom Rose Cocktail!

Photo Studio Rental
Event Space Rental

June 10th 2013

Photo Studio Rental

New Bloom inspired Cocktail!
Summer has arrived and so has summer drinking! If you love a good cocktail recipe then check out the New Bloom Rose Cocktail below. It’s fragrant, summery and perfect for all occasions. Head to 1315 Event Space and Studio on June 14th to taste!

New Bloom Rose Cocktail.

Rose Floral Elixir Mixer

Directions - Get Glass, throw in 2 cubes of ice, 1/4 vodka (more or less depending on your mood), pour soda, stir, pour a splash of Rose Elixir, and Voila! Yummy,sexy floral summer taste. You can make this drink with any of the Elixir Mixers, Rose, Tropical Orchid, Hibiscus and Lavender. (Please drink responsibly, and don’t drink and drive).

Get More on our  Blog....

Photo Studio RentalEvent Invitation June 14th!

Check out the new work of Laura Little Photographer, listen to some curated grooves from After Midnight and enjoy the treats from the fabulous people at, Inked MagazineBalls Vodka, Vitellas Catering, RunaVita CocoAdriana Marie CoElixir Floral Infusions, andRockers NYC.

When: Friday June 14 7pm – Midnight
Where: 1315 Studios + Event Space
15 West 28th Street, 8th Floor (btw Broadway and 5th Avenue) New York NY 10001

Entry Fee: Free R.S.V.P required

Tweet 28on27 @28on27! Tweet Laura @lolafotography Tweet Juan @juanizts

Event Studio Rental New YorkEvent Space 1315 +28on27
Throwing an event? Then now is a good time to explore 28on27 and 1315 event space.

28on27 is a 2500 sq ft simple and elegant white box space, with a custom bar and audio equipment.

1315 is 4,500 sq ft of Large window exposures offering a gorgeous 8th floor night time view of the empire state building.

It doesn't get more New York then 28on27 and 1315. For a  modern and cool atmosphere call us!
Email for site visits or questions!


Photo Studio Rental New York1315 + 28on27 Shoot Space
Looking for shoot space? Well you've come to the right place, 1315 daylight studio and 28on27 studio are multifunctional spaces located in the heart of flatiron.

Both spaces are great for photo shoots, castings, video production, holding areas, still life shoots, fittings, and anything else you can think of!

Studio visits welcome - 212 - 244 - 4464
Contact us juan@28on27.com

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Event Invitation..Yippeee!

Photo Studio Rental
Event Space Rental

June 4th 2013

Event Space Rental

Event Invitation.. Yipeee!

It's 5pm Tuesday and we know this day has been a drag, so here's something to cheer you up... event invite! 1315 Studios in conjunction with After Midnight Music is pleased to present "New Bloom", a night of music and art.

Check out the new work of Laura Little Photographer, listen to some curated grooves from After Midnight and enjoy the treats from the fabulous people at, Inked MagazineBalls Vodka, Vitellas Catering, RunaVita CocoAdriana Marie Co, and Elixir Floral Infusions.

Event Space Rental

When: Friday June 14 7pm – Midnight
Where: 1315 Studios + Event Space
15 West 28th Street, 8th Floor (btw Broadway and 5th Avenue) New York NY 10001

Entry Fee: Free R.S.V.P required

Get More on our  Blog....

Gift and Gallery Shop!Photo Studio Rental

The 28on27 Gift and Gallery shop is open.We love all things photo related and cool and we want to share it with you. Shop at the 28on27 Gift and Gallery store and discover new artists and products that we love. Pick up a Kid and Baby Photo shoot for your girlfriend, or a beautiful photo print for mom. Follow us on Twitter for discounts and promotions for the store!

Tweet 28on27 @28on27! Tweet Laura @lolafotography Tweet Juan @juanizts

Event Studio Rental New YorkEvent Space 1315 +28on27
Throwing an event? Then now is a good time to explore 28on27 and 1315 event space.

28on27 is a 2500 sq ft simple and elegant white box space, with a custom bar and audio equipment.

1315 is 4,500 sq ft of Large window exposures offering a gorgeous 8th floor night time view of the empire state building.

It doesn't get more New York then 28on27 and 1315. For a  modern and cool atmosphere call us!
Email for site visits or questions!


Photo Studio Rental New York1315 + 28on27 Shoot Space
Looking for shoot space? Well you've come to the right place, 1315 daylight studio and 28on27 studio are multifunctional spaces located in the heart of flatiron.

Both spaces are great for photo shoots, castings, video production, holding areas, still life shoots, fittings, and anything else you can think of!

Studio visits welcome - 212 - 244 - 4464
Contact us juan@28on27.com

Forward to a friend and get a store discount code!
Got a friend that would dig this newsletter? Forward it on via the green link below and we'll send you a 28on27 gift and gallery discount code!
